Coming Soon, also known as ‘Under Maintenance’ pages have an important role in preparing your website, app, product or brand for a final launch.
This kind of page raises awareness of your brand, brings peoples attention and generates excitement.
Similar to any other landing page, ‘Coming Soon’ needs to be well optimized for conversion and be a first step in generating leads.
It is vital to have a design that is in-line to the rest of your brand, be clear and transparent about what it is you do. If possible include some kind of social proof and a clear value proposition
One thing you must consider is having a call to action to build a targeted email list of interested people. They are, after all, most likely to be your first customers, visitors or users.
Here are some of the best Coming Soon pages you can use for Inspiration:
1. Coming Soon Page Design

2. Space Theme Coming Soon Landing Page

3. Colorful and vibrant landing page

4. Watches store Coming Soon page

5. BDSM – Design Studio

6. Custom Illustration Coming Soon Page

7. Cherie Dating App Landing Page

8. App Manager 5.0 page

9. Hardware launch teaser page

10. WorkWeek landing page