Several factors, elements, and style choices in web design can make things difficult for the user. Web design mistakes can make it harder to navigate, harder to attach, and harder to trust the website. Read our take on how to…
Branding & psychology, right? You probably don’t even understand it, but the explanations that we love a specific brand probably has more to do with our brains than our feet. Find out in this new Inkyy blog why is that…
Attracting customers is only one part of the job, the other part is a bit more challenging. You need to convince users to spend money on your products. That is where pop-up design comes in pretty handy.
The goal of the logo is to perfectly represent the brand audience, and at the identical time to show a discrepancy from the others. That is why it is important to follow some key principles of logo design.
Wireframes are a simplified visual guide that represents the skeleton of an online page. In new Inkyy article find out why wireframes are essential for your design.
Inkyy Design & Branding understand that people don’t know much about proper branding and the element of branding so we wrote this article to help you. Enjoy it!
The Internet is a wide-open space with such a large amount of different types of websites out there. Here are 6 different types of websites and how to design them.
To choose a web design studio and trust them to fulfill your dream website is not an easy task. Here are some tips from Inkyy on how to choose a proper web design studio.
Mockups are creative, often photorealistic presentations that review how a design can look or function in the real world. Inkyy will explore mockups, what are they, and why should you use them.
How to make your brand perception better and what should you do to upgrade your brand reach to make your business more successful find out in this new Inkyy article.
Every successful e-commerce website has some features that are the necessary for its success. Here are 7 features that we, from Inkyy Web Design Studio, think are essential for the success of your e-commerce website.